The On-going Travels of Golden Boy
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The Golden Eagle #663 (Golden Boy) was released at Grandview Park WV.  This bird was found in Monroe County, West Virginia caught in a coyote leg hold trap and rehabilitated at Three Rivers Avian Center.
Prior to his release, he was equipped with a solar powered transmitter which allows location data to be collected via satellite. 
As part of an important Golden Eagle migration study, Golden Boy will help identify migration routes used by Golden Eagles along the Appalachian Mountains.  Details of this study are available at
The photo at left shows the village of  Nunavik, in the region where Golden Boy spent the Summer after his release in West Virginia. Having spent the summer there, he  moved south again to West Virginia for the Winter,  following the path he took last Spring when he went North to Canada for the Summer.

After spending the Summer in Canada, he has returned to Southern West Virginia.

Map updated:  October 11, 2015